Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to kill storm shield spam

I am getting ready for a tournament at the end of April. It is a doubles tournament. I am concerned that I will face lots of storm shields. So, I need to create a 1250pts list that 1:works to my play style, 2:is competitive, and 3:compliments my teammate. To deal with terminator armor I need ap 2 or better and lots of it. I came up with a pretty lethal combination that could cripple a 10 man th/ss terminator squad. First start with an epistolary librarian with smite and null zone. Next take a ten man sternguard squad with 2 plasma guns and 8 combi plasma with rhino. Keep the librarian in another squad in a transport that keeps close to the sternguard. Once with in range of the terminators, cast null zone, which causes a re-roll on all successful invulnerable saves. Then jump the sternguard out of their rhino and rapid fire those plasma. I rolled this scenario out many times and I killed an average of 8 ss terminators. This is an one hit wonder squad unfortunately. They more than likely will die being so close to the enemy. Having good supporting units could prolong their life. A vindicator, mass bolter shots, etc... So far, space marines are the only codex I could think of that modifies or causes a re-roll of a invulnerable save. I don't have all of codexes so my knowledge is limited of other armies. How do you deal with the current meta of th/ss terminator spam?

Chaplain Centuris

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